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White Flash
Group Exhibition ShanghART Beijing, Beijing
Date: 08.05, 2018 - 09.02, 2018

Artists: CHEN Wei 陈维 |  CHEN Xiaoyun 陈晓云 |  DING Yi 丁乙 |  GENG Jianyi 耿建翌 |  HAN Feng 韩锋 |  JIANG Pengyi 蒋鹏奕 |  LI Ran 李然 |  LI Shan 李山 |  LIANG Shaoji 梁绍基 |  LIU Weijian 刘唯艰 |  LIU Xiaohui 刘晓辉 |  LIU Yue 刘月 |  Michael DEAN 迈克尔·迪恩 |  OUYANG Chun 欧阳春 |  SUN Xun 孙逊 |  TANG Maohong 唐茂宏 |  WU Yiming 邬一名 |  XU Zhen 徐震 |  YANG Fudong 杨福东 |  YU Youhan 余友涵 |  ZHANG Enli 张恩利 |  ZHAO Yang 赵洋 | 
installation view

Opening: 4 PM, 5 August, 2018
Duration: 5 August – 2 September, 2018 (11:00-18:00, Monday Closed)
Location: ShanghART Beijing, 261 Cao Chang Di, Airport Side Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Contact: | + 86 10 6432 3202

ShanghART Beijing is pleased to present a group exhibition White Flash from 5 August to 2 September, 2018, featuring around 30 works of art by artists Chen Wei, Chen Xiaoyun, Ding Yi, Geng Jianyi, Han Feng, Jiang Pengyi, Li Ran, Li Shan, Liang Shaoji, Liu Weijian, Liu Xiaohui, Liu Yue, Michael Dean, XU ZHEN®, Ouyang Chun, Sun Xun, Tang Maohong, Wu Yiming, Yang Fudong, Yu Youhan, Zhang Enli, Zhao Yang. Ranging from paintings, installations, photographs and videos etc., more than 20 artists’ important works of different periods will be exhibited, including Zhang Enli’s painting Present, which was made 10 years ago, and his latest work Paper Clips, 2018. In addition, a sculpture by renowned British artist Michael Dean will be on view in Beijing for the first time.

The exhibition title ‘White Flash’ comes from a technical norm of the same name used in the process of film editing, referring to the Fade to White transition that combines different scenes. Time is fleeting, and it has been 10 years since 2008, when ShanghART Beijing was established. At this moment, we seem to be taking a train just coming out of the time tunnel and now entering a wash of white, which is representative of a new beginning as well as an unknown spacetime. No matter what happens next, we will always keep our original intention in mind.

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