(in 64 pieces) | Wall 1 34*24*0.8cm (x 22 pieces) | Wall 2 36*54*0.8cm (x 16 pieces) | Wall 3 36*53*0.8cm (x 5 pieces) | Wall 3 34*24*0.8cm (x 11 pieces) | Table 1 (x 3 pieces) | Table 2 (x 7 pieces)
A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of the World seeks to document and reflect on the myriad ways in which human action and intervention are slowly altering the natural world. The guide presents a catalogue of curious creatures and life-forms that have evolved in often unexpected ways to cope with the stresses and pressures of a changed world. Other organisms documented in the series are the results of human intervention, mutations engineered to serve various interests and purposes ranging from scientific research to the desire for ornamentation.
Detail pictures:
Related Exhibitions:
Related Publication:
Related Works:
Plate 35, Rhinoceros with No Horns
Elephant That Has No Tusk
Plate 36, Fat Polar Bear Swimming in Hudson Bay
A Guide to the Flora and Fauna of the World
Plate 40, Rewilded Tiger Fitted with A Kill Switch
Plate 54, Pond That Never Dries up
Releated Media Coverage:
Singaporean artist Robert Zhao’s flora and fauna photographs acquired by Tate collection in Britain | The Straits Times