The story of Sun Xun's cinematic narrative film "Magic of Atlas" is closely related to the artist's experience of artistic residency in different parts of the world, forming the background of the plot of different time and space. This is not only about the interaction and conflicts between various civilizations, but also the discussion and doubt about human nature.
This work is one of the movie scene settings in "Magic of Atlas". In terms of techniques, the artist uses a combination of woodcut and painting. The wood is used as paper, and the artist first uses the brush and Chinese ink to quickly create the black and white composition of the picture, then sands the surface of the painted wooden board down with sandpaper to prepare for smoother cutting. After that, the artist applies a layer of blue ink to the wooden board, and then a layer of wax to reduce the resistance of the wood while carving. After the carving, a layer of ink is applied to highlight the richer details of the picture.