ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊

single-channel film
Single-Channel high-definition color film, stereo sound mixing
15 minutes
Edition of 5 + 2AP

"Zero" is artist Zhu Jia's work in 2012. Based on a casual tone, the video shows a group of fragmented images with no plot. The actress in different-era attires shuttled in different atmospheres, reflecting a sense of uncertainty. These images are called "described memories" by the artist. In a standard shape pattern, the conceptual images combined with practical reality, thus remolding something anew.

The artist attempts to explore the distance between outside "artificial images" and conventional "visual experience". Lens moved slowly so that the viewer has enough time to gaze details of images, carefully selected everyday objects and fictional landscape, retaining a sensibility. In the conversation "Do I resemble her?", here "her", at one hand, refers to a narrator of the past, at another those that are narrated by the narrator. Described "images" are mixed with imagination of "description" from today's point of view, juxtaposed with today's "scene" in the same time and same space in a surreal and irrational manner. Subjective perspective adrift, "soul" that run through the work, and the complexity and multiplicity in between gradually emerged.

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Related Exhibitions:
The First Beijing Biennial, National Base for International Cultural Trade, Beijing Friendship Store; M Woods Museum (Qianliang Hutong), Beijing 12.31, 2022 -03.12, 2023
Art Basel 2022: Zhu Jia, Art Fairs OVR 06.14, 2022 -06.19, 2022
Shifting Times, Moving Images I: Zhu Jia, ShanghART Singapore, Singapore 05.21, 2021 -06.18, 2021
Anren Biennale, Anren, Chengdu 10.28, 2017 -02.28, 2018
Metamorphosis: Huang Zhuan Memorial Invitational Exhibition, OCAT, Shenzhen 04.13, 2017 -06.04, 2017
3rd Bienal de Montevideo 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay 09.29, 2016 -12.15, 2016
Teetering at the Edge of the World, Espacio de Arte Contemporaneo (Contemporary Art Space), Montevideo, Uruguay 11.26, 2015 -02.28, 2016
7 SEVEN: Group Exhibition, ShanghART Singapore, Singapore 11.21, 2015 -01.10, 2016
The 6th M.T. Youth Film Festival, Xiamen 11.15, 2015 -11.18, 2015
Art Changsha 2015, Changsha Municipal Museum; Tan Guobin Contemporary Art Museum, Changsha 10.17, 2015 -12.16, 2015
Summer Cinema, ShanghART Main Space, Shanghai 07.25, 2015 -08.18, 2015
Zhu Jia: The Face of Facebook, ShanghART Singapore, Singapore 10.23, 2013 -12.09, 2013
KINO DER KUNST Film Festival, Munich, Germany 04.24, 2013 -04.28, 2013
Zhu Jia: Zero, ShanghART Beijing, Beijing 11.23, 2012 -12.16, 2012