ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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Path 3.0
Group Exhibition ShanghART Beijing, Beijing
Date: 06.29, 2022 - 10.20, 2022

Artists: CHEN Wei 陈维 |  GENG Jianyi 耿建翌 |  HE Wei 何伟 |  JIANG Pengyi 蒋鹏奕 |  LIU Cong 刘聪 |  LU Lei 陆垒 |  LI Shan 李山 |  LIANG Shaoji 梁绍基 |  OUYANG Chun 欧阳春 |  SUN Xun 孙逊 |  XIANG Kaiyang 项恺阳 |  XIAO Wucong 肖武聪 |  XU Zhen 徐震 |  YAN Bing 闫冰 |  YANG Fudong 杨福东 |  ZHANG Ding 张鼎 |  Robert ZHAO Renhui 赵仁辉 |  ZHAO Yang 赵洋 | 

Duration: 2022/06 - 2022/09
Location: ShanghART Beijing, 261 Caochangdi, Airport Side Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Notice: Explore our online viewing room on JINGART PLATFORM via, on view from 30 June to 30 July 2022.

“Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures.” In The Garden of Forking Paths, Borges describes a labyrinth made up of the contingencies of time, space and fate. Here it also seems to question, what is above all this? Maybe the imagination of artworks provides some kind of option from a particular point of view.

In Chinese, the word “path” carries a whiff of “method”, which seemingly adds a certain sense of “inevitability” to the “contingencies of fate”, and gives the “future” a splash of “light” and “hope”. This alternative path can be a way of coping with the present, while encouraging the exhibition itself to develop in a freer, more unrestricted manner.

ShanghART Beijing's second exhibition in 2022, “Path”, will open at the end of June without a fixed duration, as the presentation and works are free to grow over the subsequent period. The physical space of ShanghART Beijing also connects to JINGART PLATFORM, while the virtual viewing room is complementary to the actual exhibition. Here, we would like to borrow a paragraph from the introduction of Geng Jianyi's work “Ten Days in Vancouver” featured in the exhibition: It is a playful piece of the darkroom, where the “beginning” and “end” of the work correspond to a round-trip air ticket from Shanghai to Vancouver. According to the schedule, the artist prepared ten pieces of specially processed photographic paper in the darkroom, which were sealed in a dark bag and carried with him. Geng opened one on the first day of arrival and later the next until departure, finally rendering a line of progressive colours due to the difference in exposure times. It's all about trying something new.

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Path 1.0
Path 2.0
Path 3.0


ShanghART Beijing | "Path 1.0" on Show | ShanghART WeChat
ShanghART Beijing | "Path 2.0" on Show | ShanghART WeChat
"Path 3.0" on Show | ShanghART WeChat

Works Exhibited :
1998 (2012 recover the work made in 1998)

Related Exhibitions:
JINGART 2022 -Platform 06.30, 2022 -07.30, 2022


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