ShanghART Gallery 香格纳画廊
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b. 1977, works and lives in Beijing

蒋鹏奕:捕捉无形与无言|瑞士百达 Pictet, 2024-03-13
ShanghART M50 | "Mending the Sky" will open at 6 May | ShanghART Wechat, 2023-04-28
"Path 3.0" on Show | ShanghART WeChat, 2022-09-22
End of Heat - Flare | ShanghART WeChat, 2022-09-01
Jiang Pengyi: Streams over the Serried Stones | ShanghART WeChat, 2022-07-28
Documentary | Jiang Pengyi: Streams over the Serried Stones | Honin Art Center, 2022-07-27
蒋鹏奕:寻找意外中的残酷 | Art Ba Ba, 2021-12-14
Birds bring forth the sun, Gravel fathoms the sea. | Phoenix Art, 2021-12-05
蒋鹏奕——新摄影:光之绘画 | 设计时代, 2021-07-08
蒋鹏奕:理智与情感 | 崇真艺客, 2021-06-23
To every thing there is a season: A review of Jiang Pengyi’s exhibition “Birds Bring Forth the Sun”  | CHINESE PHOTOGRAPHY , 2021-06-23
蒋鹏奕:在表象之外,向深处突围 | Noblesse望, 2019-10-18
他可能是中国收藏宝丽来底片最多的人 | TARGET目标, 2019-10-18
蒋鹏奕:给予|ARTFORUM展评, 2016-10-17
蒋鹏奕:迷恋流动的生命轨迹 | 雅昌艺术网, 2016-09-24
蒋鹏奕:感知不可见的存在 | 艺术汇, 2015-08-12
Jiang Pengyi: Light, it becomes indelible when touches the film | Hi Art, 2014-07-24


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